Did you know that over 30% of heating energy is lost in your windows? And that number can rise if your windows have been damaged or if they were not installed properly.

Think about this… 30% of the heat the heater makes in your home vanishes. It’s like heating a room with a door open, it’s just wasting money. It’s annoying, isn’t it? Electricity isn’t cheap and it’s usually one of the highest monthly costs we have after paying our mortgage, and 30% of that cost is doing absolutely nothing. Just take a look at this infrared photo:

As you can see TONS of heat is lost from your windows, look at that red!

How You Can Save Massive Amounts of $$$ With Energy Efficient Windows

Energy-efficient windows can help you save thousands of dollars on your electricity bill by retaining heat more effectively than conventional windows. How you might ask? Well, there are multiple ways:

  • Multiple Pane Windows: Energy-efficient windows will be either double or triple-paned. The multi-pane allows insulation to be created and reduce the flow of heat. Additionally, windows sometimes have Krypton or Argon between the panes to reduce the flow of heat even more.
  • Low E Coating: Energy-efficient windows also will sometimes have Low-E Coating. Low-E Coating minimizes the amount of ultraviolet or infrared light that can pass through the windows without reducing the visibility
  • The Window Frames: You will want to use vinyl, composite, wooden, or fiberglass window frames with your energy-efficient windows to improve their heat retention.

But Aren’t Energy Efficient Windows Incredibly Expensive?

They can be very expensive, but many smart consumers are using a simple trick to reduce the price of new windows by up to 50%! Many people are unaware that various local, state, and federal grants are available to compensate you in the form of tax rebates when you install energy-efficient windows.

What Is The Simple Trick?

  1. Head over to The Window Expert.
  2. After you enter your details they will find all the local, state and federal grants that apply to you.
  3. They’ll then match you with professionally insured window installers and ensure you get the best price possible.
  4. Finally, sit back and relax while your brand new energy-efficient windows are installed.